


At Cultidelta, being a restless human team, we had always wanted to organize an event related to Mediterranean landscaping, but the absorbing day to day had never made us decide to take the step. But in March 2022, thanks to the landscaper Susana Brosed, we met the famous English landscaper and writer Noel Kingsbury and he encouraged us to develop this idea that we already had in our heads and that is how we created the first edition of Garden Masterclass Spain, which It would be held at the end of October of the same year.

After the success of the first edition, with the participation of Noel Kingsbury and Fernando Martos as speakers and with a restriction of about 40 attendees per day due to limited space, during the two days it was held -se, we dared in October 2023 with the organization of a larger event, held in the Municipal Auditorium of Amposta, already lasting two days, with 8 presentations and 3 short conferences (peckakucha) and about 200 attendees, with speakers as renowned as Thomas Doxiadis or Amalia Robredo and with the same objective, to consolidate itself as an annual event, fixed on the calendar and above all a reference in the world of Mediterranean and naturalistic landscaping.

DeltaLand, that name that unites the landscape, the earth, the light and nature with that naturalistic landscaping of a Mediterranean character. The fusion of nature with human action to domesticate it to create these spaces of connection, presents this new edition that will be held in Amposta on October 18 and 19, 2024, in the Municipal Auditorium of our city.

After the great reception by attendees during the first two editions, we continue with our commitment to naturalistic landscaping and its dissemination and we are excited to see how the speakers we have proposed to participate have confirmed their presence without hesitation. This has allowed us to bring together a high-level panel to talk about design and projects, knowledge of species and techniques, and garden maintenance, both in the public and private spheres.
